

Irene Bernhard, (2014), Local e-Government in Sweden – Municipal Contact Center implementation with focus on Public Administrators and Citizens" Journal of Community Informatics, Vol. 10, No 1, tidskriftsartikel
Bernhard, iréne & Wihlborg, Elin, (2014), Regional E-Governance: Promoting Entrepreneurial Behavior in Public Administration”, in Karlsson, C., Johansson, B.& Stough, R.R. (eds.) Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship. Studies in Regional Economic Development, London: E. Elgar publication. , bokkapitel i antologi
Jesper Petersson, (2014), Geographies of eHealth: Studies of Healthcare at a Distance, Sammanläggningsavhandling. Består av Kappa + nedan arbeten (ej inkluderade i pdf-filen): Petersson, J. and Landzelius, K. (2014) Re)Producing the Fetal Patient: Tele-ultrasonography and the Constitution of Obstetrical Knowledges. Manuscript submitted. Petersson, J. (2012) From Medicine by Wire to Governing Wireless: Changing Geographies of Healthcare. In B. Larsson, M. Letell, and H. Törn (Eds.), Transformations of the Swedish Welfare State, pp. 153-167. Petersson, J. (2011) Medicine at a Distance in Sweden: Spatiotemporal Matters in Accomplishing Working Telemedicine. Science Studies 24(2): 43-63. Petersson, J. (2014) Redesigning (Tele)Healthcare: Unfolding New Spaces of Visibility. Manuscript Submitted.
Irene Bernhard, (2013), E-government and e-governance - Swedish Case Studies with Focus on the Local Level, Academic thesis (licentiate thesis)
Bernhard, Iréne & Grundén, Kerstin, (2013), Challenging Organizational Issues When Municipal Contact Centers are Implemented in Sweden, The Electronic Journal of e-Government, Vol 11, issue 1, pp 198-209, tidskriftsartikel
Fatemeh Ahmadi Zeleti, (2013), Entrepreneurship growth: Impact of e-government business service delivery to simplifying of start-up procedures, In Progress: Journal of Public Administration and Research Theory
Axelsson Karin, Melin Ulf, Lindgren I, (2013), Public e-services for agency efficiency and citizen benefit – Findings from a stakeholder centered analysis, Government Information Quarterly, 30(1), pp. 10-22
Östberg Olov, Johannisson Per, and Persson Per-Arne., (2013), Capability Formation Architecture for Provincial Reconstruction in Afghanistan, In Gotze, J., & Jensen-Waud, A. (Eds.), Beyond Alignment: Applying Systems Thinking in Architecting Enterprises. Systems, Vol 3, 2013. (Pp 369-398) /London: College Publications.
Axelsson Karin, Melin Ulf, (2012), Citizens’ Attitudes towards Electronic Identification in a Public E-service Context – An Essential Perspective in the eID Development Process, In Scholl H J, Janssen M, Wimmer M A, Moe C E, Flak L S (Eds.): EGOV 2012, LNCS 7443, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 260-272
Bernhard Irene, Wihlborg Elin, (2012), Trust in secure public e-services: translating policies into use, In Karlsson, C., Johansson, B. & Stough, R.R. (Eds.)Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Governance. Directions for the Sustainable Development and Competitiveness of Regions, .(pp. 241-262) DOI:10.4337/9781781002834.00015 Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA. USA: E. Elgar
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